Friday, March 25, 2011

Weekend life

May your weekend be filled with pancakes and toasty fires!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Goodbye Miss Violet Eyes

Just a few weeks ago I stayed up late and watched Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Mesmerized by how beautiful Elizabeth Taylor looked in the film, I caught myself not looking at anyone else except her, what she was wearing and how she would pose that insane figure of hers. Even Paul Newman, with his exceptional good looks, didn't stand a chance next to her. My favorite film of hers is probably Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, as she is outstanding and I get so uncomfortable when watching it. 
The lady leaves a legacy that not only involves film, beauty, diamond bling and perfumes - but also an enormous heart. She was an AIDS/HIV activist like no other.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Since my husband and I often work at home together, there is lots of overhearing. He's particularly taken with my lingo, always joking how are those enzymes doing? We sometimes paddle wash our t-shirts in them for extra softness. Babe are those lab dips ready? When we are approving our custom colors, we try to match the original pantone swatch (or inspiration) to the actual color on a garment. Different fabrics take on color in different ways and we have to decide (in very good light) if we still like them or not.

So tonight Mike looks over and asks me so how are those markers laying out?  When we have a new item we are putting into production, we send out the pattern to our digitizer to lay out in a marker. She takes our 4 sizes and places them in an arrangement on a very long piece of paper, so we get the best results when we cut. Mixing sizes saves a lot of fabric! We are charged with checking it before it goes to print to make sure everything is there.  Stacy just noticed there was a medium collar piece missing (nice catch!). Once the marker is correct and complete it's taken to our cutter and he lays it out and fires up his electric cutter. There is certainly no turning back then!

I have a series of these behind the garment posts in my head brewing....

